Sometimes, well actually oftentimes I get into a cooking rut. Me, who loves to cook and adores playing around in the kitchen, has been known to suffer for ideas on what to cook. We all have our go to’s. Those comfort food pieces that are distinctly you and make you feel happy and safe. Mine are easily pasta (any pasta), chili (of which I am a self proclaimed chili master), crepes (only on days I’m missing Paris) and cheese. Cheeseboards come to mama. But when I’m not looking for the ‘ole staples and I’m finding myself in that cooking rut, I go explore a new place to get my foods. Either a grocery store of a specific country or region, a new farmers market or in a recent case, a new butcher. These new places undoubtedly offer ingredients you have yet to use or haven’t seen in a while and serves as the spark you need. This happened to me very recently when I went to a different butcher. I walked into the butcher without a cooking clue and walked out with Short Ribs.
Short ribs! Insanely delicious and something I have never myself cooked. The experimental side in me ignited and it was time to fearlessly attack this meat. The results? A delicious, unique to our family rotation, dinner.